lunes, 30 de noviembre de 2015

Some differences and similarities in chapter 22 with the movie

To start, I can say that the movie is a very good adaptation of the book, and I know that it is not the same but they are really similar. Now, I will tell some similarities I found and, some differences too, of these works.
A similarity that I could find was, first the dialogue, that is almost the same in all this chapter, you can read everything is said in the movie and a difference is that the dialogue of the book is much more detail than the dialogue of the movie.
More differences are when for example on the fight of Amir and Aseff, the book has a lot of details that does not appear on the movie and obviously the face mask of Sohrab, which did not appear on the movie too.
Finally, another similarity is the conversation between Amir and Assef, which is similar.

157 words.

The Kite Runner Chapter 12 Questions

1.-In what way does Soraya’s story about her illiterate friend differ form Amir’s?
The great difference is that Soraya, when she helped her friends, she did it in the best way. On the other hand, Amir taught in a bad way to Hassan, for example taught him wrong meaning of words.

 2-What period is described as a time of many ‘firsts’?
When Amir started to saw some things for the first time.

 3-What was Baba’s final resolution about his diagnosis?
He had big problems and also they were serious because he didn't wanted to treated his lug cancer.

 4-Why was Amir envious of Soraya?  
Because of her way of being, of how she is with him.

viernes, 27 de noviembre de 2015

Task 8

1.- veppers, he refers to the situation of looking her.
2.- they are trying to catch the woman.
3.-   Fear.   Negative
       Excitement.    Positive
       Terror.   Negative
        Worried.   Negative
       Triumph.    Positive
4.- in a fear way.
5.- because the narrator knows their names and what they do.
6.- to turn the night into day, and Jasken is wearing them because is dark.
7.- in the opera house. She is escaping.
8.- because they are flexed.
10.- because she has problems on her legs.
11.- because in that place she dug out a tracer device.
12.- a) smoothly
       b) wide rear
       c) multifarious
       d) trouble
       e) similar
       f) called on
13.- because it is probable that they were using a radio.
14.- an advanced technology like the radio and the phone.
15.- in the present and maybe in a forest or in the woods.
16.- because they are using a technique to try to make you feel like him.
17.- the hunters, because it is more interesting for me, being in the "bad" side.
18.- finally the hunters will capture the narrator.

miércoles, 18 de noviembre de 2015


Dear fellows and partners of the farm,

Me, as the goat, friend of you, today wednesday 11th of November, I  want to inform you some facts that I had investigated, so now, I will tell you the problems, the solution, and I will also try to change your mind or thoughts.
To start this speech, I could investigate the majority of the things because I listened conversations of the pigs and the worms or dogs, in an under-covered situation, I was hidden in some sectors of the farm, for example, Boxer was killed because his ideology was against Napoleon's ideology, and Napoleon could wash our brains with his thoughts and ideas, and we only trusted in his ideas, that was a mistake, a big mistake. An other example, was when he took away the rights of the hens, Napoleon obligated the hens to passed to him their eggs to sold them, so the hens didn't accept that and then, they were killed. I personally prefer this farm when we were in charge with the humans.
The solution that I propose, is to get united and to be against Napoleon and to start a revolution to all of us, to be the leaders of our farm, the animal farm, not Napoleon's farm. I need your support, the support and faith of every animal of this farm to topple the villains.
I hope that what I am telling to us, you could keep it in your minds and also you can support me to create the farm that all the animals want, a family.

262 Words.