domingo, 22 de abril de 2012


 Hard times
Agustin Abusleme Peñafiel: The Smart Boy/Teacher´s son
Diego Morales Hartmann: Cecilia/miss Gradgraint
Joaquín Nuñez Ibarra: Mr. Bandubile
 Augusto Villanueva Barrera: Luisa
Franco Schiaffino Schonhaut: Teacher


      In Cork Town, England, in the Victorian Times, there is a school with a bad teacher that hates poor families.
Act 1
Scene1 (Setting: Classroom)

      Teacher: What I want it’s facts, real facts. Hey you! Number 20.Idon’t know that girl, who is that girl?
      Cecilia: I am sir, my name is Cecilia Jup.
      Teacher: Let me see, what is your father?
      Cecilia: My father work in the circus, he is a housebreaker.
      Teacher: Give me the definition of a horse?
      Cecilia: I don’t know how to describe the horse.
      Teacher: Girl number 20 unable to define a horse, Bitza, your definition of a horse.
         (Then the smart boy stands up and answers.)
       Smart boy: 4 molars, 12 incisive and a cranium size of 850cc.
       Teacher: Excellent, you have all the qualities to be a good man when you grow up.
       (The girl makes a reverence.)
Act II
Scene 2(Setting: Circus)
       (The teacher was walking and he goes and saw the people that were at the circus.)
       Cecilia: Welcome to the circus, to all of one that are here, I am really happy with my family to
       Receive all this people.
      Teacher: Look all those wanderer people seeing the circus.
       (He saw two boys watching the circus presentation.)
       Teacher: In the name of god, what are my son´s doing there!
       (The teacher goes down and punishes his sons.)
        Teacher: what are you doing here?
         Luisa: we were watching the circus presentation.
        Teacher: I don’t believe that with your education recourses were doing that.
        Boy: father doesn’t punish my sister I do it, I have the idea to come here.
         Teacher: I will punish both of you, I don’t care who have the idea.
          Luisa: no, no don’t punish my brother; he was laying, he was protecting me , It was my idea.
         Teacher: said, I will punish both of you.
          (The teacher punish his son´s.)
Scene 3(Setting: The Street)
          (After walking half a mile from the circus, the father finally talks)
         Teacher: What did your best friend say Luisa? What will Mr. Bandubile say?
          (Luisa saw him for a while.)
          Luisa: Sorry dad, it wasn´t my intentions to make look you bad.
          Teacher: I am very disappointed Luisa.
          (they continue walking in silence.)

Scene 4 (Setting: Mr. Baundubile’s House)

        (The teacher was taking them to the house of Mr. Baundubile, a rich man and bully  that in that moment it was giving some observation with miss Gradgraint ,in his birthday)
Mr. Baundubile: Well admonition to be fought, as to the stalking I didn’t know if such a thing binding. I pass the day in a ditch and the night in a big stock that is the way I passed my birthday.
Miss Gradgraint:(Sad)Why are you talking me in this way? I’m your mother.
Mr. Baundubile:My mother? You are not my mother. You are only an old ugly vagrant that not knows what it say.
(When Miss Gradgraint listen that, she start crying)
Mr. Baundubile: Yes cry, ugly vagrant.
Scene 5(Setting: Mr. Baundubile’s House)
     (In that moment, the Teacher with the boys enter in the room)
Mr. Baundubuile: Oh, pass, pass you are welcome.
Teacher: Sir, I want to talk with you about my daughter, Luisa. I know that you are interests in young people. So, I want to propose you to marry with her.
Miss Gradgraint:(Interrupting)What? Luisa cannot marry with my son. She is just a girl.
  Mr. Baundubuile: Shut up! This is not of your incumbency(Then he directed to the teacher).Well I think that it is a very good proposal but I think that I will refuse it.
Teacher: Why? Luisa is doing something wrong in some place?
Mr. Baundubuile: No, it is because I will marry with another girl
Teacher: Who?
Mr. Baundubuile: Her name is Cecilia.
Teacher :( Surprised) Cecilia Jup! Sir you cannot marry with her.
Mr. Baundubuile: Why not?
Teacher :( He was thinking of something to invent) Emmm…… because I saw her taking drugs.
Mr. Baundubuile: What!? It is terrible
Teacher: (Lying) Yes, I know
Mr.Baundubuile: I think that I will marry with Luisa
Teacher: Yes, I think too that it is better. Now, do you want to walk with me?
Mr. Baundubuile: Yes that would be great
(Mr. Baundubuile starts to walk with the teacher). 

Scene 6(Setting:Street)
   Luisa: Please dad, I didn’t want to marry with Mr.Bandubile
   Boy: Yes dad,Do you never hear about Mr.Bandubile is a bully?
    Luisa:No! (criying)
    Boy: but Lui….
   Teacher: I said, Silence!        

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