domingo, 22 de abril de 2012

Victorian Times

The victorian times was on the period of Queen Victoria reign. It was a long period of peace and national self-confidence for britain.Before the Victorian times was the Georgian times and next the Vitorian times was the Edwardian times.´
At the time when she came to the throne there was no electricity.Gas lamps or candles were used for light.
There were no cars. People either walked, travelled by boat or train or used coach and horses to move from place to place.Britain managed to build a huge empire during the Victorian period. It was also a time of tremendous change in the lives of British people. In 1837 most people lived in villages and worked on the land; by 1901, most lived in towns and worked in offices, shops and factories.
During Queen Victoria's reign Britain became the most powerful and richest country in the world, with the largest empire that had ever existed, ruling a quarter of the world's population.During that period towns and cities got piped water, gas and, by the end of the century, electricity.The number of people living in Britain more than doubled from 16 million to 37 million, causing a huge demand for food, clothes and housing. Factories and machines were built to meet this demand and new towns grew up, changing the landscape and the ways people lived and worked. 
British soldiers were at war all over the world especially in 1850 - 1880.The Crimean war is the most famous of the wars fought at that time.


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